Skapad den 1 December, 2020 | 24.854 views | 1 minuter read
Learn more about Entireweb Social Proof Widgets - service. Grow your conversions today.
Show your visitors any message anywhere.
Fully functional on all websites such as, CMS’s, E-commerce, website builders, and static websites. You will be up'n running in 2 minutes.

Personalize your Widgets
Customize all your Widgets. Set your notification icon, border, background, title color, text, link.
Personalize your messages like {name} , {company} , {location} and more — automatically personalize messages to your visitor without any coding skills.
Visitor analytics
Understand audience behaviour on each widget. Helps you to manage your customer engagement strategies.
Get reports on Impressions, clicks, hover analytics, top pages - real-time information.

Up'n running in 2 minutes
Install the pixel on your site in 2 minutes and manage all widgets in your account. No need to code.
Choose when and how you want to display a widget
Customize triggers to display a widget, such as a specific page, exit intent, scroll percentage and much more. You have full controll when a widget will be displayed.

You own your data
Your data matters, we never sell your data and you are in full control of it. You can delete it at any time.
100% Mobile Ready
All widgets are mobile friendly and you have the option to show the widgets on both mobile and desktop. Easy switch to stop showing.

Capture forms data
Just fill in the webpage where the conversion is done and the data will be saved in your account.